The truth about Irls, Psychosis and Delusions

Definitions and Terms

Irl - An Irl is a person who claims to believe they are a fictional character, celebrity, animal, inhuman creature, etc. due to delusions and psychosis.Delusion - "a false belief or judgment about external reality, held despite [undeniable] evidence to the contrary, occurring especially in mental conditions." - Google definitionII. "fixed beliefs that are not amenable to change in light of conflicting evidence” - DSM-5III. "False beliefs that someone holds onto very strongly, even when others don’t believe them or there’s plenty of evidence that a belief isn't true." - Cleveland ClinicPsychosis - "Psychosis is the term for a collection of symptoms that happen when a person has trouble telling the difference between what’s real and what’s not. This disconnection from reality can happen for several reasons, including many different mental and physical conditions." - Cleveland ClinicDelusions of Grandeur - "Grandiose delusions are unfounded beliefs that one has special powers, wealth, mission, or identity" -National Library of MedicineReality checking - A reality check is what it's called when an IRL is reminded that they are not truly whoever/whatever they are an IRL of.Self deception - Self deception is when someone convinces themselves that a false belief is true despite proof otherwise. Unlike delusions, self deception is purposeful although sometimes done subconscious. They typically display in some way that they are aware of the truth.Overvalued ideas - An overvalued idea is extremely similar to a delusion. They are false beliefs that are held by an individual however they are not delusions. Overvalued ideas are not usually held when faced with contradictory evidence.Kin - Kin is a vast term that's definition varies depending on who you ask. Most people however describe it as a spiritual belief that you are or were something/someone in a past life or alternative universe. There are many types of kin the main ones being; otherkin, fictionkin and therian.

What's so bad about IRLs?

Under normal circumstances believing you are, pretending you are, or acting like you are something/someone you're not is not really an issue. As long as you are not hurting anyone.The issue with Irls is that they are hurting people. People who truly do experience delusions as well as young children and teenagers who read these carrds and join the Irl community not knowing that the resources are riddled with misinformation.Irls do not actually experience delusions as their beliefs are easily shaken. Since a delusion is an "unshakeable belief" they don't fit the definition. Even if you ignore that you have to acknowledge the fact that delusions are episodic and typically don't last more than a month, let alone constantly like many Irls claim theirs do. There's also the huge problem that the majority of Irls acknowledge that they are delusional and psychotic whilst allegedly experiencing an episode. They're also able to recognize to some extent that they're not truly whoever they're an Irl of.And it's really not their fault!Every carrd and resource on Irls I've seen has somehow managed to avoid mentioning the true definition of delusions as well as failed to describe the basics of what a delusion is. They don't mention that delusions cannot be "reality checked" nor do they point out the fact that delusions do not last forever. Almost anyone could've fallen victim to the false information.If you want more information/proof on why Irls are not truly experiencing delusions please check out this! I'm sure many of you have read it before but it's worded so much better than this carrd is.

Alternatives to IRLs

I. Kins!
If you saw the earlier definition of kin and think that may be you then I suggest switching to this term! Especially since the kin experience and what Irls claimed to experience are also almost identical. Make sure you do research before trying to join the kin community though! It is not for everyone! Respect the community and beliefs.
II. Introjects!
If you are part of a system then it's very likely that you're simply an introject of a character or person. Alters can also be introjects of multiple people or characters at once. If not then the explanation could be somewhere on this list.
III. Self deception or Overvalued ideas!
If you believe that what you're experiencing may align with one of these two things then you should say that! Although it may be more difficult to admit. Since this is more a cause and not a term you may not be comfortable with it and that's fine too.
IV. No term!
If none of these seem to fit you then you should just ditch the term. Simply say you are a character or thing and move on with your day. Not everything needs an explanation and if you're comfortable in your identity then that's the end of it! People may not like it but at the end of the day it doesn't really matter.
V. Delusions of Grandeur!
If you did your research and fit the criteria to be considered psychotic with delusions of grandeur then claim it! I'd still stay away from the term Irl though since being an Irl is almost the exact opposite of actually experiencing delusions.

I thought I was an Irl! What do I do?!

I know that a lot of people have built their entire online presence around the belief that they were an Irl. I know that because of that most Irls will be hesitant to admit that they're not truly delusional.Unfortunately it is the best option for everyone.If you now realize you're not delusional but still feel connected to your Irl identities then you should switch to using one of the alternative terms. If your friends don't support the change or refuse to accept it, especially if your friend is an Irl, then they are purposefully faking a disorder and you should distance yourself regardless.That is the best advice I can give.

Random disclaimer!

Do NOT use this carrd as an excuse to attack people who claim to be an Irl! As I said earlier it is NOT their fault that they fell victim to misinformation and misdiagnosed themselves.You are always allowed to educate of course but please do so respectfully!Also this goes without saying but, do not go out and call people "schizos" or act ableist towards people with delusions. Do not get angry at them for "indulging in their delusions" either since they can't help but do so during their episode. Delusions of grandeur can flourish in isolation.Also do not fakeclaim people for experiencing delusions similar to what Irls claim to have or for claiming to be psychotic in general. It is a real disorder.ONLY CALL OUT PEOPLE OUT FOR FAKING IF THEY CALL THEMSELVES IRLS SPECIFICALLY!! BE RESPECTFUL ABOUT IT AND BE COOL! IF YOU'RE AN ABLEIST ASSHOLE YOU'RE JUST AS BAD IF NOT WORSE THAN THE IRLS!!